
13 years 11 months ago
Activate This Classroom at Time Now
Active and cooperative learning methods represent a paradigm shift in the delivery of engineering education. These techniques recognize that the passive model of the typical colle...
Manuel D. Rossetti
13 years 11 months ago
AutoMod Tutorial
The AutoModTM simulation system differs significantly from other systems because of its ability to deal with the physical elements of a system in physical (graphical) terms and th...
Matthew W. Rohrer
13 years 11 months ago
What Makes a Modeling and Simulation Professional?: the Consensus View from one Workshop
This paper is part of a focused paper panel discussion addressing the results of an invited workshop conducted in Orlando, Florida in February, 1997. The workshop addressed the qu...
Ralph V. Rogers
13 years 11 months ago
Visualize a Port in Africa
Techniques to visualize quantitative discrete event simulation input and output data are presented. General concepts connected with graphical excellence are discussed in a simulat...
James N. Robinson
13 years 11 months ago
Before Dynamic Simulation: Systematic Layout Design from Scratch
Excellent production design and planning depends on accurate simulation of a high quality layout. A good layout project will always begin with an analysis of the production volume...
David P. Sly
13 years 11 months ago
Parallel Simulation of TCP/IP Using TeD
We are developing a parallel simulation framework for large-scale network simulation. An important component of this work is the development of a TCP/IP model library. TCP/IP expe...
Brian J. Premore, David M. Nicol
13 years 11 months ago
A Virtual PNNI Network Testbed
We describe our experiences designing and implementing a virtual PNNI network testbed. The network elements and signaling protocols modeled are consistent with the ATM Forum PNNI ...
Kalyan S. Perumalla, Matthew Andrews, Sandeep N. B...
13 years 11 months ago
Why We Don't Know How To Simulate the Internet
Simulating how the global Internet data network behaves is an immensely challenging undertaking because of the network’s great heterogeneity and rapid change. The heterogeneity ...
Vern Paxson, Sally Floyd