Telecommuting and access over a Wireless LAN require strong security at the network level. Although IPsec is well-suited for this task, it is difficult to configure and operate ...
EnFuzion and MOSIX are two packages that represent different approaches to cluster management. EnFuzion is a user-level queuing system that can dispatch a predetermined number of ...
Computer worms -- malicious, self-propagating programs -- represent a significant threat to large networks. One possible defense, containment, seeks to limit a worm's spread ...
In commonplace textual password schemes, users choose passwords that are easy to recall. Since memorable passwords typically exhibit patterns, they are exploitable by brute-force ...
Window systems are the primary mediator of user input and output in modern computing systems. They are also a commonly used interprocess communication mechanism. As a result, they...
Jonathan S. Shapiro, John Vanderburgh, Eric Northu...
Kennell and Jamieson [KJ03] recently introduced the Genuinity system for authenticating trusted software on a remote machine without using trusted hardware. Genuinity relies on ma...
A honeypot is a closely monitored network decoy serving several purposes: it can distract adversaries from more valuable machines on a network, can provide early warning about new...