As a culture, object-orientation encourages programmers to create objects, both short- and long-lived, without concern for cost. Excessive object creation and initialization can ca...
Abstract. The Jetpack framework is Mozilla’s newly-introduced extension development technology. Motivated primarily by the need to improve how scriptable extensions (also called ...
Ownership type systems describe a heap topology and enforce an encapsulation discipline; they aid in various program correctness and understanding tasks. However, the annotation ov...
Wei Huang, Werner Dietl, Ana Milanova, Michael D. ...
R is a dynamic language for statistical computing that combines lazy functional features and object-oriented programming. This rather unlikely linguistic cocktail would probably ne...
Abstract. Transcript is a system that enhances JavaScript with support for transactions. Hosting Web applications can use transactions to demarcate regions that contain untrusted g...
X10 is an object oriented programming language with a sophisticated type system (constraints, class invariants, non-erased generics, closures) and concurrency constructs (asynchron...
Yoav Zibin, David Cunningham, Igor Peshansky, Vija...
We consider the task of estimating, from observed data, a probabilistic model that is parameterized by a finite number of parameters. In particular, we are considering the situat...
We propose a new family of latent variable models called max-margin min-entropy (m3e) models, which define a distribution over the output and the hidden variables conditioned on ...
Kevin Miller, M. Pawan Kumar, Benjamin Packer, Dan...
Given a point set S and an unknown metric d on S, we study the problem of efficiently partitioning S into k clusters while querying few distances between the points. In our model...
Konstantin Voevodski, Maria-Florina Balcan, Heiko ...