We study the problem of learning a group of principal tasks using a group of auxiliary tasks, unrelated to the principal ones. In many applications, joint learning of unrelated ta...
Bernardino Romera-Paredes, Andreas Argyriou, Nadia...
Contextual bandit learning is a reinforcement learning problem where the learner repeatedly receives a set of features (context), takes an action and receives a reward based on th...
We assess the generative power of the mPoTmodel of [10] with tiled-convolutional weight sharing as a model for visual textures by specifically training on this task, evaluating m...
Support Vector Machines, SVMs, and the Large Margin Nearest Neighbor algorithm, LMNN, are two very popular learning algorithms with quite different learning biases. In this paper...
Huyen Do, Alexandros Kalousis, Jun Wang, Adam Wozn...
Often when modeling structured domains, it is desirable to leverage information that is not naturally expressed as simply a label. Examples include knowledge about the evaluation ...
In this paper, we propose a novel formulation of the network clique detection problem by introducing a general network data representation framework. We show connections between o...
Xiaoye Jiang, Yuan Yao, Han Liu, Leonidas J. Guiba...
One approach to modeling structured discrete data is to describe the probability of states via an energy function and Gibbs distribution. A recurring difficulty in these models is...
Daniel Tarlow, Ryan Prescott Adams, Richard S. Zem...
In this work, we propose a hierarchical latent dictionary approach to estimate the timevarying mean and covariance of a process for which we have only limited noisy samples. We fu...
Alona Fyshe, Emily B. Fox, David B. Dunson, Tom M....