Search computing is a novel discipline whose goal is to answer complex, multi-domain queries. Such queries typically require combining in their results domain knowledge extracted ...
A bug report is typically assigned to a single developer who is then responsible for fixing the bug. In Mozilla and Eclipse, between 37%-44% of bug reports are "tossed" ...
Parallel changes are becoming increasingly prevalent in the development of large scale software system. To further study the relationship between parallel changes and faults, we h...
In large software development projects, when a programmer is assigned a bug to fix, she typically spends a lot of time searching (in an ad-hoc manner) for instances from the past ...
B. Ashok, Joseph M. Joy, Hongkang Liang, Sriram K....
Software engineering researchers have long been interested in where and why bugs occur in code, and in predicting where they might turn up next. Historical bug-occurence data has ...
Christian Bird, Adrian Bachmann, Eirik Aune, John ...
Many testing and analysis techniques use finite state models to validate and verify the quality of software systems. Since the specification of such models is complex and timecons...
Initial system specifications, such as use-case scenarios and properties, only partially specify the future system. We posit that synthesizing partial component-level behavior mod...
Ivo Krka, Yuriy Brun, George Edwards, Nenad Medvid...
The trend towards processors with more and more parallel cores is increasing the need for software that can take advantage of parallelism. The most widespread method for writing p...