Interpolation is an important component of recent methods for program verification. It provides a natural and effective means for computing separation between the sets of ‘good...
Abstract. This paper is concerned with one of the basic problems in abstract interpretation, namely, for a given abstraction and a given set of concrete transformers (that express ...
Tal Lev-Ami, Mooly Sagiv, Neil Immerman, Thomas W....
Abstract. Several verification methods involve reasoning about multi-valued systems, in which an atomic proposition is interpreted at a state as a lattice element, rather than a B...
Abstract. This paper presents a novel shape analysis algorithm with local reasoning that is designed to analyze heap structures with structural invariants, such y-linked lists. The...
Abstract. In this paper we analyze the complexity of checking safety and termination properties, for a very simple, yet non-trivial, class of programs with singly-linked list data ...
We present a constraint-based algorithm for the synthesis of invariants expressed in the combined theory of linear arithmetic and uninterpreted function symbols. Given a set of pro...
Dirk Beyer, Thomas A. Henzinger, Rupak Majumdar, A...
Abstraction frameworks use under-approximating transitions in order to prove existential properties of concrete systems. Under-approximating transifer to the concrete states that c...