Several relation-algebraic algorithms for computing the cut completion of a partially ordered set are formally developed and afterwards generalized to the case of concept lattices....
A term rewriting system is called complete if it is both confluent and strongly norrealizing. Barendregt and Klop showed that the disjoint union of complete term rewriting systems...
Narrowing provides a complete procedure to solve equations modulo confluent and terminating rewriting systems. But it seldom terminates. This paper presents a method to improve th...
Weak Observational Congruence (woc) defined on CCS agents is not a bisimulation since it does not require two states reached by bisimilar computations of woc agents to be still w...
We describe algorithms for finding the k shortest paths connecting a given pair of vertices in a digraph (allowing cycles). Our algorithms output an implicit representation of the...
Let S be a set of n points in IRd and let t > 1 be a real number. A t-spanner for S is a directed graph having the points of S as its vertices, such that for any pair p and q o...