Abstract. On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a technology basically created to provide users with tools in order to explore and navigate into data cubes. Unfortunately, in hug...
Riadh Ben Messaoud, Omar Boussaid, Sabine Loudcher...
Abstract. Modern software engineering attacks its complexity problems by applying well-understood development principles. In particular, the systematic adoption of design patterns ...
Hans-Werner Sehring, Sebastian Bossung, Patrick Hu...
Communications devices intended for use in securitycritical applications must be rigorously evaluated to ensure they preserve data confidentiality. This process includes tracing t...
We introduce an efficient way of performing polynomial multiplication in a class of finite fields GF(pm ) in the frequency domain. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) based frequency...
This paper describes the comparison between homeless and home-based Lazy Release Consistency (LRC) protocols which are used to implement Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) in cluster...
Byung-Hyun Yu, Zhiyi Huang, Stephen Cranefield, Ma...
This paper reports on an experiment to determine the optimal parameters for a speech recogniser that is part of a computer aided instruction system for assisting learners of Engli...
Huayang Xie, Peter Andreae, Mengjie Zhang, Paul Wa...
This paper presents a case study for automatic verification using the Communicating Sequential Processes formalism. The case study concerns the Futurebus+ cache coherency standard...