We give a general technique to obtain approximation mechanisms that are truthful in expectation. We show that for packing domains, any α-approximation algorithm that also bounds ...
The automata-theoretic approach is one of the most fundamental approaches to developing decision procedures in mathematical logics. To decide whether a formula in a logic with the...
In joint work with ´Eva Tardos in 1995, we asked whether it was possible to obtain a polynomial-time, polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for the disjoint paths problem in th...
Various new nonembeddability results (mainly into L1) are proved via Fourier analysis. In particular, it is shown that the Edit Distance on {0, 1}d has L1 distortion (log d) 1 2 ...
We study truthful mechanisms for auctions in which the auctioneer is trying to hire a team of agents to perform a complex task, and paying them for their work. As common in the ...
We prove the first non-trivial (super linear) lower bound in the noisy broadcast model, defined by El Gamal in [6]. In this model there are n + 1 processors P0, P1, . . . , Pn, ...
Barak et al. formalized the notion of obfuscation, and showed that there exist (contrived) classes of functions that cannot be obfuscated. In contrast, Canetti and Wee showed how ...
This paper proves ¡ £ ¥ lower bounds on the time to perform a single instance of an operation in any implementation of a large class of data structures shared by £ processe...