Ring signatures, introduced by Rivest, Shamir and Tauman, enable a user to sign a message anonymously on behalf of a “ring”. A ring is a group of users, which includes the sign...
We consider the problem of constructing efficient locally decodable codes in the presence of a computationally bounded adversary. Assuming the existence of one-way functions, we c...
A data tree is a tree where each node has a label from a finite set, and a data value from a possibly infinite set. We consider data trees whose depth is bounded beforehand. By d...
Abstract. The edit distance between two ordered rooted trees with vertex labels is the minimum cost of transforming one tree into the other by a sequence of elementary operations c...
Erik D. Demaine, Shay Mozes, Benjamin Rossman, Ore...
As defined by Aumann in 1959, a strong equilibrium is a Nash equilibrium that is resilient to deviations by coalitions. We give tight bounds on the strong price of anarchy for loa...
Abstract. We deal with two intimately related subjects: quasi-randomness and regular partitions. The purpose of the concept of quasi-randomness is to measure how much a given graph...
We consider the problem of private efficient data mining of vertically-partitioned databases. Each of several parties holds a column of a data matrix (a vector) and the parties wan...
Yuval Ishai, Tal Malkin, Martin J. Strauss, Rebecc...
We present lower bounds on the space required to estimate the quantiles of a stream of numerical values. Quantile estimation is perhaps the most studied problem in the data stream ...