Service-Oriented Computing allows new applications to be developed by using and/or combining services offered by different providers. In several cases a service needs sensitive in...
We study the k-wise independent relaxation of the usual model G(N, p) of random graphs where, as in this model, N labeled vertices are fixed and each edge is drawn with probabili...
Relational joins are at the core of relational algebra, which in turn is the core of the standard database query language SQL. As their evaluation is expensive and very often domi...
We prove that approximating the Max Acyclic Subgraph problem within a factor better than 1/2 is Unique-Games hard. Specifically, for every constant ε > 0 the following holds:...
We consider one-round games between a classical verifier and two provers who share entanglement. We show that when the constraints enforced by the verifier are ‘unique’ cons...
We present a technique for transforming classical approximation algorithms into constant-time algorithms that approximate the size of the optimal solution. Our technique is applic...
We show a tight lower bound of Ω(N log log N) on the number of transmissions required to compute several functions (including the parity function and the majority function) in a...
The central problem in computational mechanism design is the tension between incentive compatibility and computational ef ciency. We establish the rst significant approximability ...
Christos H. Papadimitriou, Michael Schapira, Yaron...