We prove that any graph G with n points has a distribution T over spanning trees such that for any edge (u, v) the expected stretch ET ∼T [dT (u, v)/dG(u, v)] is bounded by ˜O(...
We study the properties of embeddings, multicommodity flows, and sparse cuts in minor-closed families of graphs which are also closed under 2-sums; this includes planar graphs, g...
Amit Chakrabarti, Alexander Jaffe, James R. Lee, J...
The deletion–contraction algorithm is perhaps the most popular method for computing a host of fundamental graph invariants such as the chromatic, flow, and reliability polynomi...
We construct a stream-cipher SC whose implementation is secure even if a bounded amount of arbitrary (adaptively, adversarially chosen) information about the internal state of SC ...
We design efficient protocols for processors to extract private randomness over a network with Byzantine faults, when each processor has access to an independent weakly-random n-...
Yael Tauman Kalai, Xin Li, Anup Rao, David Zuckerm...
This work investigates a geometric approach to proving cell probe lower bounds for data structure problems. We consider the approximate nearest neighbor search problem on the Bool...
We use a Bayesian approach to optimally solve problems in noisy binary search. We deal with two variants: • Each comparison is erroneous with independent probability 1 − p. ...
The parallel repetition theorem states that for any two-prover game, with value 1 − (for, say, ≤ 1/2), the value of the game repeated in parallel n times is at most (1 − c)...
—The world of the mobile devices involves restrictive features. Multiple efforts have been done to define the User Interface. Here, it is combined a neutral description of the UI...