Negation-limited circuits have been studied as a circuit model between general circuits and monotone circuits. In this paper, we consider limiting negations in formulas. The minimu...
Correlation Clustering was defined by Bansal, Blum, and Chawla as the problem of clustering a set of elements based on a possibly inconsistent binary similarity function between e...
We give a polynomial time algorithm that computes a decomposition of a finite group G given in the form of its multiplication table. That is, given G, the algorithm outputs two su...
Abstract. We study the problem of maintaining a dynamic tree succinctly, in 2n + o(n) bits, under updates of the following form: insertion or deletion of a leaf, insertion of a nod...
We resolve an open question raised by Feige & Scheideler by showing that the best known approximation algorithm for flow shops is essentially tight with respect to the used low...
We consider repetitions in words and solve a longstanding open problem about the relation between the period and the length of its longest unbordered factor. A word u is called bor...
We initiate the study of sublinear-time algorithms in the external memory model [14]. In this model, the data is stored in blocks of a certain size B, and the algorithm is charged...
Alexandr Andoni, Piotr Indyk, Krzysztof Onak, Roni...
We present a randomized subexponential time, polynomial space parameterized algorithm for the k-Weighted Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments (k-FAST) problem. We also show that our alg...