Point-based geometric models are gaining popularity in both the computer graphics and CAD fields. A related design/modelling problem is the focus of the reported research: drawing...
Feature modeling systems usually employ a boundary representation (b-rep) to store the shape information on a product. It has, however, been shown that a b-rep has a number of sho...
Rafael Bidarra, Joaquim Madeira, Willem J. Neels, ...
Since the publication of the original Marching Cubes algorithm, numerous variations have been proposed for guaranteeing water-tight constructions of triangulated approximations of...
A subsequence is obtained from a string by deleting any number of characters; thus in contrast to a substring, a subsequence is not necessarily a contiguous part of the string. Co...
1 Elimination Game is a well known algorithm that simulates Gaussian elimination of matrices on graphs, and it computes a triangulation of the input graph. The number of fill edge...
Anne Berry, Elias Dahlhaus, Pinar Heggernes, Genev...
This paper deals with the existence and search of properly edgecolored paths/trails between two, not necessarily distinct, vertices s and t in an edge-colored graph from an algori...
A. Abouelaoualim, Kinkar Chandra Das, L. Faria, Ya...
Recently the second two authors characterized quasiperiodic Sturmian words, proving that a Sturmian word is non-quasiperiodic if and only if it is an infinite Lyndon word. Here we...