Recent discovery of the mixture (power-law and exponential) behavior of inter-meeting time distribution of mobile nodes presents new challenge to the problem of mobility modeling ...
Recent research shows that significant energy saving can be achieved in wireless sensor networks with a mobile base station that collects data from sensor nodes via short-range co...
Due to the long propagation delay and high error rate of acoustic channels, it is very challenging to provide reliable data transfer for time-critical applications in an energy-ef...
Broadcast scheduling is a fundamental problem in wireless ad hoc networks. The objective of a broadcast schedule is to deliver a message from a given source to all other nodes in ...
Reza Mahjourian, Feng Chen, Ravi Tiwari, My T. Tha...
For long, node cooperation has been exploited as a data relaying mechanism. However, the wireless channel allows for much richer interaction between nodes. One such scenario is in...
We present Virtual Cord Protocol (VCP), a virtual relative position based routing protocol for sensor networks that also provides methods for data management as known from standar...
We address the cost incurred in increasing the transport capacity of wireless ad hoc networks over what can be attained when sources and destinations communicate over multi-hop pa...
Zheng Wang, Hamid R. Sadjadpour, Jose Joaquin Garc...
Relay-enabled wireless networks (eg. WIMAX 802.16j) represent an emerging trend for the incorporation of multi-hop networking solutions for last-mile broadband access in next gene...
Wireless LAN (WLAN) radios conserve energy by staying in sleep mode. With real-time applications like VoIP, it is not clear how much energy can be saved by this approach since pac...
We study the multicast capacity of a random wireless network consisting of ordinary wireless nodes and base stations, known as a hybrid network. Assume that n ordinary wireless no...