In this paper we present a protocol for sensor applications that require periodic collection of raw data reports from the entire network in a timely manner. We formulate the probl...
Mass causality incidents generate a sequence of response events from the emergency services, requiring the allocation and use of resources in a timely fashion. In this paper we de...
Marcus Lucas da Silva, Vassilis Kostakos, Mitsuji ...
Abstract—Context-aware applications adapt to changing computing environments or changing user circumstances/tasks. Context information that supports such adaptations is provided ...
The emerging pervasive computing is regarded as a promising solution to the systems of personal healthcare and emergency aid, which can monitor personal health status in a real-ti...
Abstract—This paper investigates the speed limit of information propagation in large wireless networks, which provides fundamental understanding of the fastest information transp...
—A fundamental problem in wireless networks is to estimate its throughput capacity - given a set of wireless nodes, and a set of connections, what is the maximum rate at which da...
Deepti Chafekar, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marat...
—The recent years have seen an enormous advance in wireless communication technology and a wide spread of various types of wireless networks. It requires effective inter-networki...
—Maintaining performance and reliability in wireless networks is a challenging task due to the nature of wireless channels. Multipath data transmission has been used in wired sce...
Vinh Bui, Weiping Zhu, Alessio Botta, Antonio Pesc...