
13 years 11 months ago
Knowledge-Based Navigation of Complex Information Spaces
While the explosion of on-line information has brought new opportunities for nding and using electronic data, it has also brought to the forefront the problem of isolating useful ...
Robin D. Burke, Kristian J. Hammond, Benjamin C. Y...
13 years 11 months ago
Estimating the Absolute Position of a Mobile Robot Using Position Probability Grids
In order to re-use existing models of the environment mobile robots must be able to estimate their position and orientation in such models. Most of the existing methods for positi...
Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, Daniel Hennig, Timo S...
13 years 11 months ago
Trajectory Constraints in Qualitative Simulation
We present a method for specifying temporal constraints on trajectories of dynamical systems and enforcing them during qualitative simulation. This capability can be used to focus...
Giorgio Brajnik, Daniel J. Clancy
13 years 11 months ago
On the Foundations of Qualitative Decision Theory
This paper investigates the foundation of rnaxipnin, one of the central qualitative decision criteria, using the approach taken by Savage (Savage 1972) to investigate the foundati...
Ronen I. Brafman, Moshe Tennenholtz
13 years 11 months ago
Machine Learning of User Profiles: Representational Issues
As more information becomes available electronically, tools for finding information of interest to users becomes increasingly important. The goal of the research described here is...
Eric Bloedorn, Inderjeet Mani, T. Richard MacMilla...
13 years 11 months ago
Computing Optimal Policies for Partially Observable Decision Processes Using Compact Representations
: Partially-observable Markov decision processes provide a very general model for decision-theoretic planning problems, allowing the trade-offs between various courses of actions t...
Craig Boutilier, David Poole
13 years 11 months ago
Formalizing Narratives Using Nested Circumscription
The representation of narratives of actions and observations is a current issue in Knowledge Representation, where traditional plan-oriented treatments of action seem to fall shor...
Chitta Baral, Alfredo Gabaldon, Alessandro Provett...
13 years 11 months ago
Spatial Aggregation: Language and Applications
This paper describes the spatial aggregation language and its applications. Spatial aggregation comprises a framework and a mechanism for organizing computations around image-like...
Christopher Bailey-Kellogg, Feng Zhao, Kenneth Yip
13 years 11 months ago
Generation of Attributes for Learning Algorithms
Inductive algorithms rely strongly on their representational biases, Constructive induction can mitigate representational inadequacies. This paper introduces the notion of a relat...
Yuh-Jyh Hu, Dennis F. Kibler