This paper presents a logical axiomatization of bargaining solutions. A bargaining situation is described in propositional logic and the bargainers’ preferences are quantified ...
In this paper, we propose to mine query hierarchies from clickthrough data, which is within the larger area of automatic acquisition of knowledge from the Web. When a user submits...
Dou Shen, Min Qin, Weizhu Chen, Qiang Yang, Zheng ...
In auction theory, agents are typically presumed to have perfect knowledge of their valuations. In practice, though, they may face barriers to this knowledge due to transaction co...
Creating video recordings of events such as lectures or meetings is increasingly inexpensive and easy. However, reviewing the content of such video may be time-consuming and dif...
An important application area of detecting erroneous sentences is to provide feedback for writers of English as a Second Language. This problem is difficult since both erroneous ...
Several distributed constraint reasoning algorithms employ Depth First Search (DFS) trees on the constraint graph that spans involved agents. In this article we show that it is po...
This paper introduces an innovative approach for automated negotiating using the gender of human opponents. Our approach segments the information acquired from previous opponents,...