The theory of (variable) forgetting has received significant attention in nonmonotonic reasoning, especially, in answer set programming. However, the problem of establishing a the...
The number of people with disabilities is continuously increasing. Providing patients who have disabilities with the rehabilitation and care necessary to allow them good quality o...
Advertising effectiveness measurement is a fundamental problem in online advertising. Various causal inference methods have been employed to measure the causal effects of ad treat...
Wei Sun, Pengyuan Wang, Dawei Yin, Jian Yang, Yi C...
Twitter, as a popular microblogging service, has become a new information channel for users to receive and exchange the most up-to-date information on current events. However, sin...
We introduce the MDP-Evaluation Stopping Problem, the optimization problem faced by participants of the International Probabilistic Planning Competition 2014 that focus on their o...
Model-Based Diagnosis techniques have been successfully applied to support a variety of faultlocalization tasks both for hardware and software artifacts. In many applications, Rei...
Dietmar Jannach, Thomas Schmitz, Kostyantyn M. Shc...
Intelligent systems that interact with humans typically require input in the form of demonstrations and/or advice for optimal decision making. In more traditional systems, such in...
Error backpropagation is an extremely effective algorithm for assigning credit in artificial neural networks. However, weight updates under Backprop depend on lengthy recursive c...
David Balduzzi, Hastagiri Vanchinathan, Joachim M....
Understanding spatio-temporal resource preferences is paramount in the design of policies for sustainable development. Unfortunately, resource preferences are often unknown to pol...
Stefano Ermon, Yexiang Xue, Russell Toth, Bistra N...