program constraints are defined over a program’s abstract syntax tree. The JAVACOP compiler automatically enforces these constraints on programs during compilation. The JAVACOP ...
Shane Markstrum, Daniel Marino, Matthew Esquivel, ...
XML (Extensible Markup Language), a linear syntax for trees, has gathered a remarkable amount of interest in industry. The acceptance of XML opens new venues for the application o...
Transformation systems such as Stratego/XT provide powerful analysis and transformation frameworks and concise languages for language processing, but instantiating them for every ...
The semantics of constraint logic programming languages with coroutining facilities (\freeze," suspension, residuation, etc.) cannot be fully declarative; thus, an operationa...
A SEF (software exchange format), such as GXL [6], TA [4] or RSF [7], is used to exchange data between tools that analyze software. Researchers at Bell Canada have specified the D...
Software maintenance, program analysis and transformation tools almost always rely on static source code analysis as the first and fundamental step to gather information. In the ...
Giuliano Antoniol, Massimiliano Di Penta, Gianluca...
In the last decades several tools and environments defined and introduced languages for querying, navigating sforming abstract syntax trees. These environments were meant to supp...
Giuliano Antoniol, Massimiliano Di Penta, Ettore M...
We present a pointer analysis algorithm designed for source-to-source transformations. Existing techniques for pointer analysis apply a collection of inference rules to a dismantl...
Marcio Buss, Stephen A. Edwards, Bin Yao, Dan G. W...