Access control is one of the most fundamental and widely used security mechanisms. Access control mechanisms control which principals such as users or processes have access to whi...
Vincent C. Hu, Evan Martin, JeeHyun Hwang, Tao Xie
Abstract--Current Network Access Control (NAC) technologies manage the access of new devices into a network to prevent rogue devices from attacking network hosts or services. Typic...
When packet filtering is used as a security mechanism, different routers may need to cooperate to enforce the desired security policy. It is difficult to ensure that they will d...
Abstract. Many different access control policies and models have been developed to suit a variety of goals; these include Role-Based Access Control, One-directional Information Flo...
Vincent C. Hu, Deborah A. Frincke, David F. Ferrai...
Active Spaces are physical spaces augmented with heterogeneous computing and communication devices along with supporting software infrastructure. This integration facilitates coll...
Geetanjali Sampemane, Prasad Naldurg, Roy H. Campb...
Abstract. Access control policies are security policies that govern access to resources. Real-time update of access control policies, that is, updating policies while they are in e...
Trust negotiation is an approach to establishing trust between strangers through the bilateral, iterative disclosure of digital credentials. Under automated trust negotiation, acc...
This work proposes a XML-based framework for distributing and enforcing RSVP access control policies, for RSVP-aware application servers. Policies are represented by extending XAC...
Current firewall configuration languages have no well founded semantics. Each firewall implements its own algorithm that parses specific proprietary languages. The main conseq...