Abstract. This paper introduces a new model-based approach for simultaneously reconstructing 3D human motion and full-body skeletal size from a small set of 2D image features track...
Motion segmentation is a fundamental aspect of tracking in a scene with multiple moving objects. In this paper we present a novel approach to clustering individual image pixels ass...
Hua Yang, Greg Welch, Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Poll...
We present a novel algorithm for unsupervised segmentation of natural images that harnesses the principle of minimum description length (MDL). Our method is based on observations ...
Shankar Rao, Hossein Mobahi, Allen Y. Yang, Shanka...
Abstract. This paper proposes a local motion-based approach for recognizing group activities in soccer videos. Given the SIFT keypoint matches on two successive frames, we propose ...
We propose a new robust focal length estimation method in multi-view structure from motion from unordered data sets, e.g. downloaded from the Flickr database, where jpeg-exif heade...
Face recognition using image-set or video sequence as input tends to be more robust since image-set or video sequence provides much more information than single snapshot about the ...
Abstract. This paper presents a novel nonparametric clustering algorithm called evolving mean shift (EMS) algorithm. The algorithm iteratively shrinks a dataset and generates well ...
Abstract. We propose an online learning algorithm to tackle the problem of learning under limited computational resources in a teacher-student scenario, over multiple visual cues. ...