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Abstract. A novel approach is presented in this paper to improve images which are altered by atmospheric turbulence. Two new algorithms are presented based on two combinations of a...
Sensitivity of global features to pose, illumination and scale variations encouraged researchers to use local features for object representation and recognition. Availability of 3D...
Syed M. S. Islam, Rowan Davies, Ajmal S. Mian, Moh...
Several image mosaicing algorithms claiming to advance the state of the art have been proposed so far. Though sometimes improvements can be recognised without quantitative evidence...
Pietro Azzari, Luigi di Stefano, Stefano Mattoccia
Content-Based Image Retrieval is a challenging problem both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. In this paper, we present a flexible cluster-and-search approach that is able ...
Anderson Rocha, Jurandy Almeida, Mario A. Nascimen...
In this paper, we present a novel hardware architecture to achieve erosion and dilation with a large structuring element. We are proposing a modification of HGW algorithm with a bl...
Christophe Clienti, Michel Bilodeau, Serge Beucher
Abstract. This paper addresses the problem of self-calibration and motion recovery for turntable sequences. Previous works exploited silhouette correspondences induced by epipolar ...
Fibered fluorescence microscopy is a recent developed image modality using a fiber optic probe connected to a laser scanning unit. It allows for in-vivo scanning of small animal su...
Steve De Backer, Frans Cornelissen, Jan Lemeire, R...
This paper presents the design and real-time implementation of a fall-detection system, aiming at detecting fall incidents in unobserved home situations. The setup employs two fix...
Lykele Hazelhoff, Jungong Han, Peter H. N. de With
Abstract. To use a projector anytime anywhere, a lot of projectorcamera based approaches have been proposed. In this paper, we focus on a focal correction technique, one of project...
A currently popular trend in object detection and pattern recognition is usage of statistical classifiers, namely AdaBoost and its modifications. The speed performance of these cla...