In many applications of natural language processing it is necessary to determine the likelihood of a given word combination. For example, a speech recognizer may need to determine...
1 We examine the consistency problem for descriptions of trees based on remote dominance, and present a consistency-checking algorithm which is polynomial in the number of nodes in...
The paper demonstrates that exponential complexities with respect to grammar size and input length have little impact on the performance of three unification-based parsing algorit...
Most probabilistic classi ers used for word-sense disambiguationhave either been based on onlyone contextual feature or have used a model that is simply assumed to characterize th...
We present an efficient procedure for cost-based abduction, which is based on the idea of using chart parsers as proof procedures. We discuss in detail three features of our algor...
We describe a method for evaluating a grammar checking application with hand-bracketed parses. A randomly-selected set of sentences was submitted to a grammar checker in both brac...