
13 years 11 months ago
Towards a Single Proposal in Spelling Correction
The study presented here relies on the integrated use of different kinds of knowledge in order to improve first-guess accuracy in non-word context-sensitive correction for general...
Eneko Agirre, Koldo Gojenola Galletebeitia, Kepa S...
13 years 11 months ago
Processing Unknown Words in HPSG
The lexical acquisition system presented in this paper incrementallyupdates linguisticproperties of unknown words inferred from their surrounding context by parsing sentences with...
Petra Barg, Markus Walther
13 years 11 months ago
A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis
Wc develop a l)ata-Oricntcd Parsing (DOP) model based on the syntactic representations of Lexicalf;unctional Grammar (LFG). We start by summarizing the original DOP model for tree...
Rens Bod, Ronald M. Kaplan
13 years 11 months ago
Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model
We show how the DOP model can be used for fast and robust processing of spoken input in a practical spoken dialogue system called OVIS. OVIS, Openbaar Vervoer Informatie Systeem (...
Rens Bod
13 years 11 months ago
Automatic Detection of Grammar Elements that Decrease Readability
This paper proposes an automatic method of detecting grammar elements that decrease readability in a Japanese sentence. The method consists of two components: (1) the check list o...
Masatoshi Tsuchiya, Satoshi Sato
13 years 11 months ago
Approaches to Zero Adnominal Recognition
This paper describes our preliminary attempt to automatically recognize zero adnominals, a subgroup of zero pronouns, in Japanese discourse. Based on the corpus study, we define a...
Mitsuko Yamura-Takei
13 years 11 months ago
A Debug Tool for Practical Grammar Development
We have developed willex, a tool that helps grammar developers to work efficiently by using annotated corpora and recording parsing errors. Willex has two major new functions. Fi...
Akane Yakushiji, Yuka Tateisi, Yusuke Miyao, Naoki...
13 years 11 months ago
iNeATS: Interactive Multi-Document Summarization
We describe iNeATS – an interactive multi-document summarization system that integrates a state-of-the-art summarization engine with an advanced user interface. Three main goals...
Anton Leuski, Chin-Yew Lin, Eduard H. Hovy
13 years 11 months ago
A Prototype Text to British Sign Language (BSL) Translation System
We demonstrate a text to sign language translation system for investigating sign language (SL) structure and assisting in production of sign narratives and informa
Ian Marshall, Éva Sáfár
13 years 11 months ago
Towards Interactive Text Understanding
This position paper argues for an interactive approach to text understanding. The proposed model extends an existing semantics-based text authoring system by using the input text ...
Marc Dymetman, Aurélien Max, Kenji Yamada