We describe a biographical multidocument summarizer that summarizes information about people described in the news. The summarizer uses corpus statistics along with linguistic kno...
Barry Schiffman, Inderjeet Mani, Kristian J. Conce...
This paper describes an alternative translation model based on a text chunk under the framework of statistical machine translation. The translation model suggested here first per...
We describe an algorithm for generating multimodal referring expressions, based on empirical data. The main novelties are (1) a decision to point based on both the efficiency of p...
This paper discusses the challenges and proposes a solution to performing information retrieval on the Web using Chinese natural language speech query. The main contribution of th...
This paper presents a method that assists in maintaining a rule-based named-entity recognition and classification system. The underlying idea is to use a separate system, construc...
Georgios Petasis, Frantz Vichot, Francis Wolinski,...
Phrase level translation models are effective in improving translation quality by addressing the problem of local re-ordering across language boundaries. Methods that attempt to f...
The STOP system, which generates personalised smoking-cessation letters, was evaluated by a randomised controlled clinical trial. We believe this is the largest and perhaps most r...
Ehud Reiter, Roma Robertson, A. Scott Lennox, Lies...
This paper considers three assumptions conventionally made about signatures in typed feature logic that are in potential disagreement with current practice among grammar developer...
We have aligned Japanese and English news articles and sentences to make a large parallel corpus. We first used a method based on cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) to a...
This paper describes two methods for detecting word segments and their morphological information in a Japanese spontaneous speech corpus, and describes how to tag a large spontane...