Virtual beings are playing a remarkable role in today’s public entertainment, while ordinary users are still treated as audiences due to the lack of appropriate expertise, equip...
Mosaic Textile is a wearable ambient display using nonemissive color-changing textiles. The system consists of textile modules, their controllers and substrate fabric. The textile...
In this paper, we suggest that we can use our mobile devices as an effective interface for HMD-based augmented reality (AR) applications. These days most of us can possibly send s...
This paper presents a motion-capture-based control framework for third-person view virtual reality applications. Using motion capture devices, a user can directly control the full...
Internet Pajama is a novel wearable system aimed at promoting physical interaction in remote communication between parent and child. This system enables parent and child to hug on...
James Keng Soon Teh, Shang Ping Lee, Adrian David ...
Recent advances in three-dimensional (3D) data acquisition techniques have offered an alternative to the traditional 2D metamorphosis (or morphing) approaches, which gradually cha...