Speech-based applications commonly come with web-based or printed manuals. Alternatively, the dialogue can be designed so that users should be able to start using the application ...
Jaakko Hakulinen, Markku Turunen, Esa-Pekka Salone...
Context photography consists of capturing context when taking a still picture, by sensing physical input in addition to light and representing it visually in real time. With this ...
The distinctive features of interactive sound installations in public space are considered, with special attention to the rich, if undoubtedly difficult, environments in which the...
Understanding experience is a critical issue for a variety of professions, especially design. To understand experience and the user experience that results from interacting with p...
We elaborate a proposal for capturing, extending, and reusing design knowledge gleaned through usability testing. The proposal is specifically targeted to address interface design...
Christa M. Chewar, D. Scott McCrickard, Alistair G...