
14 years 3 months ago
Duality for Finite Hopf Algebras Explained by Corings
We give a coring version for the duality theorem for actions and coactions of a finitely generated projective Hopf algebra. We also provide a coring analogue for a theorem of H.-J....
Stefaan Caenepeel, D. Quinn, S. Raianu
14 years 3 months ago
Constructing Infinite Comatrix Corings from Colimits
We propose a class of in nite comatrix corings, and describe them as colimits of systems of usual comatrix corings. The in nite comatrix corings of El Kaoutit and Gomez Torrecillas...
Stefaan Caenepeel, E. De Groot, J. Vercruysse
14 years 3 months ago
Nuclear Typing of Frames vs Spatial Selectors
Nuclei which are defined over a class of frames are called nuclear typings. There is the dual notion of a spatial selector, and the relationship between nuclear typings and spatial...
Jorge Martínez, Eric Richard Zenk
14 years 3 months ago
Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Leibniz Equality and Homomorphism Theorems
cal Abstract Algebraic Logic: Leibniz Equality and Homomorphism Theorems George Voutsadakis Received: 24 May 2006 / Accepted: 28 August 2006 / Published online: 25 October 2006
George Voutsadakis
14 years 3 months ago
Universality of Coproducts in Categories of Lax Algebras
Abstract. Categories of lax (T, V )-algebras are shown to have pullbackstable coproducts if T preserves inverse images. The general result not only gives a common proof of this pro...
Mojgan Mahmoudi, Christoph Schubert, Walter Tholen
14 years 3 months ago
Absolute Lax 2-categories
We have introduced, in a previous paper, the fundamental lax 2-category of a `directed space' X. Here we show that, when X has a T1-topology, this structure can be embedded i...
Marco Grandis
14 years 3 months ago
Fully Coprime Comodules and Fully Coprime Corings
Prime objects were defined as generalization of simple objects in the categories of rings (modules). In this paper we introduce and investigate what turns out to be a suitable gen...
Jawad Y. Abuhlail