This paper describes two recently developed intrusion detection algorithms, and gives experimental results on their performance. The algorithms detect anomalies in execution audit...
Early IT security evaluation criteria like the TCSEC and the ITSEC suffered much criticism for their lack of coverage of privacy-related requirements. Recent evaluation criteria, ...
Cooperative frameworks for intrusion detection and response exemplify a key area of today’s computer research: automating defenses against malicious attacks that increasingly ar...
The DARPA Information Assurance Program has the aim of developing and executing experiments that test specific hypotheses about defense in depth and dynamic defense capabilities. ...
In today’s applications, most users disregard the security functionality. They do not have the knowledge and/or the motivation to configure or to use the existing security func...
In the coming age of information warfare, information security patterns take on a more offensive than defensive stance [1]. However, most existing security systems remain passive ...