Active learning may hold the key for solving the data scarcity problem in supervised learning, i.e., the lack of labeled data. Indeed, labeling data is a costly process, yet an ac...
Active learning is an e ective learning approach. In this paper, we present an intelligent agent assisted environment for active learning. The system is to better support studentc...
This paper shows how a text classifier's need for labeled training documents can be reduced by taking advantage of a large pool of unlabeled documents. We modify the Query-by...
We apply classic online learning techniques similar to the perceptron algorithm to the problem of learning a function defined on a graph. The benefit of our approach includes simp...
This paper considers the problem of selecting the most informative experiments x to get measurements y for learning a regression model y = f(x). We propose a novel and simple conc...
In this paper, we describe a retrieval system that uses hidden annotation to improve the performance. The contribution of this paper is a novel active learning framework that can ...
We introduce an algorithm that guides the user to tag
faces in the best possible order during a face recognition assisted
tagging scenario. In particular, we extend the active
Ashish Kapoor, Gang Hua, Amir Akbarzadeh and Simon...
One of the principal bottlenecks in applying learning techniques to classification problems is the large amount of labeled training data required. Especially for images and video, ...
Ajay J. Joshi, Fatih Porikli, Nikolaos Papanikolop...
Scarcity and infeasibility of human supervision for large
scale multi-class classification problems necessitates active
learning. Unfortunately, existing active learning methods
Prateek Jain (University of Texas at Austin), Ashi...