
106views more  ACTA 2004»
14 years 10 days ago
Trading polarizations for labels in P systems with active membranes
Abstract. This paper addresses the problem of removing the polarizations of membranes from P systems with active membranes
Artiom Alhazov, Linqiang Pan, Gheorghe Paun
133views more  JALC 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Power and Efficiency of Minimal Parallelism in Polarizationless P Systems
Minimal parallelism was recently introduced [3] as a way of using the rules of a P system: from each set of applicable rules associated to a membrane, at least one rule must be ap...
Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj
96views Hardware» more  MCU 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Computational Completeness of P Systems with Active Membranes and Two Polarizations
P systems with active membranes using only two electrical charges and only rules of type (a) , i.e., evolution rules used in parallel in the regions of the membrane system, and of ...
Artiom Alhazov, Rudolf Freund, Gheorghe Paun
14 years 1 months ago
On a Powerful Class of Non-universal P Systems with Active Membranes
Abstract. We prove that uniform and semi-uniform families of P systems with active membranes using only communication and nonelementary division rules are not computationally unive...
Antonio E. Porreca, Alberto Leporati, Claudio Zand...
14 years 5 months ago
Replicative - Distribution Rules in P Systems with Active Membranes
Abstract. P systems (known also as membrane systems) are biologically motivated theoretical models of distributed and parallel computing. The two most interesting questions in the ...
Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj, Mihai Ionescu
14 years 6 months ago
Boolean Circuits and a DNA Algorithm in Membrane Computing
In the present paper we propose a way to simulate Boolean gates and circuits in the framework of P systems with active membranes using inhibiting/de-inhibiting rules. This new appr...
Mihai Ionescu, Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj