-Recently multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are emerging for wireless group communication. This includes application such as multipoint data disseminat...
The network topology changes frequently in ad-hoc networks. Some on-demand protocols with multi-paths or backup routes have been proposed to improve the performance in ad-hoc netw...
In ad-hoc networks, autonomous wireless nodes can communicate by forwarding messages for each other. For routing protocols in this setting, it is known that a malicious node can p...
Local area wireless networks are becoming commonplace in our everyday lives. It would be beneficial to establish such wireless networks in an ad-hoc manner so that they are infras...
Routing in ad-hoc networks is a complicated task because of many reasons. The nodes are low-memory, lowpowered, and they cannot maintain routing tables large enough for well-known ...
Murat Yuksel, Ritesh Pradhan, Shivkumar Kalyanaram...
Simulation and emulation are valuable techniques for the evaluation of algorithms and protocols used in mobile ad-hoc networks. However, these techniques always require the simpli...
We present a self-healing On-demand Geographic Path Routing Protocol (OGPR) for mobile ad-hoc networks. OGPR is an efficient, stateless, and scalable routing protocol that inherit...
While it has been argued that application-layer overlay protocols can enhance services in mobile ad-hoc networks, hardly any empirical data is available on the throughput and dela...
Safety critical applications for recently proposed vehicle to vehicle ad-hoc networks (VANETs) rely on a beacon signal, which poses a threat to privacy since it could allow a vehic...
This paper presents a work in progress which deals with the problem of node misbehaviour in ad-hoc networks. A realistic approach is used to determine the impact of contention wind...