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Abstract-- In this paper, we perform the first comprehensive study of the multicast address allocation problem. We analyze this problem both within its context as a classic resourc...
Daniel Zappala, Virginia Mary Lo, Chris GauthierDi...
—A mobile device in a MANET must be assigned a free IP address before it may participate in unicast communication. This is a fundamental and difficult problem in the practical us...
— The allocation of IP addresses in hybrid wireless networks is one of the most critical issues in all-IP converged wireless networks. The reason is that centralized IP address a...
—Regarding to address allocation, a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) may suffer from the lack of address and network partition/merging due to mobility of nodes. In this paper, we pr...
— The scalability of Internet addressing and routing has been a serious issue and becomes a more urgent problem today because of driving factors like IPv6. A radical impacting el...