MAX-SAT, the optimisation variant of the satisfiability problem in propositional logic, is an important and widely studied combinatorial optimisation problem with applications in ...
The prediction of a protein’s structure from its amino-acid sequence is one of the most important problems in computational biology. In the current focus on a widely studied abst...
Agent communication languages (ACLs) invoke speech act theory and define individual message types by reference to particular combinations of beliefs and desires of the speaker (fea...
The multi-processor total tardiness problem (MPTTP) is an ÆÈ-hard scheduling problem, in which the goal is to minimise the tardiness of a set of jobs that are processed on a numb...
Abstract. In this abstract, we present a complex multiagent environment, the RoboCupRescue simulation, and show some of the learning opportunities for the coordination of agents in...
Abstract. This paper overviews our currently in progress agent communication language simulator, called DIAGAL, by describing its use in analyzing and modelling automated conversat...
Many AI tasks can be formalized as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), which involve finding values for variables subject to constraints. While solving a CSP is an NP-complet...
In this paper, we describe our experimentations in answer formulation for question-answering (QA) systems. In the context of QA, answer formulation can serve two purposes: improvin...
This paper introduces a formal theory for describing actions in terminological knowledge bases, closely related to description logics. It deals in particular with the problem of ad...