The Agent Rescue Emergency Simulator (ARES) system provides a simplified rescue scenario similar to Robocup Rescue for use in the educational or research fields when evaluating m...
Abstract. We propose a framework for generating adaptive multimedia presentations through the dynamic selection of files from a large data repository. The presentation is generate...
Osama El Demerdash, Sabine Bergler, Leila Kosseim,...
Privacy is one of the main societal concerns raised by critics of the uncontrolled growth and spread of information technology in developed societies. The purpose of this paper is ...
Quintin Armour, William Elazmeh, Nour El-Kadri, Na...
This paper deals with the incremental off-line computation of diagnosis of discrete-event systems. Traditionally, the diagnosis is computed from the global automaton describing th...
Alban Grastien, Marie-Odile Cordier, Christine Lar...