Recently the field of Web services has gained focus both in industry and academia. While industry has been mostly interested in standardisation and promotion of the technology, a...
This paper introduces mTag, a distributed eventdriven architecture for discovering location specific mobile web services. Service discovery is initiated by touching a fixed RFID r...
Jani Korhonen, Timo Ojala, Mikko Klemola, Pasi Vaa...
Semantic Web Services frameworks like OWL-S and WSMO combine semantic descriptions of Web service capabilities, inputs, outputs and behavior with the syntactic interface descripti...
Privacy provision and data protection are basic requirements for professional learning, especially when personalized systems are used that adapt to sensitive learner personal data...
In this paper, we propose a framework for QualityDriven Delivery (QDD) in distributed multimedia environments. Quality-driven delivery refers to the capacity of a system to delive...
Communication in the face of intermittent, short-lived and unreliable connectivity can be difficult when relying solely on Internet protocols which have an implicit assumption of...
Multicasting, as an operational paradigm, has not been widely adopted until now, in spite of the advantages of its lower resource utilization and bandwidth conservation. This is d...
IP Telephony based on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology has being gaining attentions for its innovative approach to providing VoIP service. At the same time, it has raised many new re...