We present components of a system which uses statistical, corpus-based machine learning techniques to perform instantiated goal recognition -- recognition of both a goal schema an...
The problem of optimal policy formulation for teams of resource-limited agents in stochastic environments is composed of two strongly-coupled subproblems: a resource allocation pr...
We address the issue of incorporating domain-specific preferences in planning systems, where a preference may be seen as a "soft" constraint that it is desirable, but no...
Oversubscribed scheduling problems require removing tasks when enough resources are not available. Prior AI approaches have mostly been constructive or repairbased heuristic searc...
Laura Barbulescu, Adele E. Howe, L. Darrell Whitle...
Scaling conformant planning is a problem that has received much attention of late. Many planners solve the problem as a search in the space of belief states, and some heuristic gu...
Military operations planning involves concurrent actions, resource assignment, and conflicting costs. Individual tasks sometimes fail with a known probability, promoting a decisio...