
111views more  SIAMDM 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
Hopf Structures on the Multiplihedra
We investigate algebraic structures that can be placed on vertices of the multiplihedra, a family of polytopes originating in the study of higher categories and homotopy theory. Mo...
Stefan Forcey, Aaron Lauve, Frank Sottile
116views more  CONSTRAINTS 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Enabling local computation for partially ordered preferences
Abstract. Many computational problems linked to uncertainty and preference management can be expressed in terms of computing the marginal(s) of a combination of a collection of val...
Hélène Fargier, Emma Rollon, Nic Wil...
84views more  JSC 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
A Constructive Algebraic Hierarchy in Coq
We describe a framework of algebraic structures in the proof assistant Coq. We have developed this framework as part of the FTA project in Nijmegen, in which a constructive proof ...
Herman Geuvers, Randy Pollack, Freek Wiedijk, Jan ...
97views more  SIAMCOMP 2000»
14 years 6 days ago
Complexity of Some Problems Concerning Varieties and Quasi-Varieties of Algebras
In this paper we consider the complexity of several problems involving finite algebraic structures. Given finite algebras A and B, these problems ask the following. (1) Do A and B ...
Clifford Bergman, Giora Slutzki
116views more  ENTCS 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Co-Algebraic Models for Quantitative Spatial Logics
We introduce a class of coalgebraic models and a family of modal logics that support the specication of spatial properties of distributed applications. The evaluation of a formul...
Vincenzo Ciancia, Gian Luigi Ferrari
144views more  ECCC 2007»
14 years 12 days ago
Algebraic Lower Bounds for Computing on Encrypted Data
In cryptography, there has been tremendous success in building primitives out of homomorphic semantically-secure encryption schemes, using homomorphic properties in a blackbox way...
Rafail Ostrovsky, William E. Skeith III
14 years 6 months ago
Universal Algebra for Termination of Higher-Order Rewriting
Abstract. We show that the structures of binding algebras and Σmonoids by Fiore, Plotkin and Turi are sound and complete models of Klop’s Combinatory Reduction Systems (CRSs). T...
Makoto Hamana
14 years 6 months ago
Algebraic Structures for Bipolar Constraint-Based Reasoning
The representation of both scales of cost and scales of benefit is very natural in a decision-making problem: scales of evaluation of decisions are often bipolar. The aim of this ...
Hélène Fargier, Nic Wilson