
13 years 9 months ago
Nonlinear enhancement of onset for robust speech recognition
In this paper we present a novel algorithm called Suppression of Slowly-varying components and the Falling edge of the power envelope (SSF) to enhance spectral features for robust...
Chanwoo Kim, Richard M. Stern
13 years 9 months ago
Quality-based playout buffering with FEC for conversational voIP
In Voice-over-IP, buffer delay and packet loss are two main factors effecting perceived conversational quality. A quality-based algorithm aims to seek an optimum balancing of dela...
Qipeng Gong, Peter Kabal
13 years 9 months ago
Automatic selection of thresholds for signal separation algorithms based on interaural delay
In this paper we describe a system that separates signals by comparing the interaural time delays (ITDs) of their timefrequency components to a fixed threshold ITD. While in previ...
Chanwoo Kim, Richard M. Stern, Kiwan Eom, Jaewon L...
13 years 9 months ago
Shape-invariant speech transformation with the phase vocoder
This paper proposes a new phase vocoder based method for shape invariant real-time modification of speech signals. The performance of the method with respect voiced and unvoiced s...
Axel Röbel
13 years 9 months ago
Entity Summarisation with Limited Edge Budget on Knowledge Graphs
We formulate a novel problem of summarising entities with limited presentation budget on entity-relationship knowledge graphs and propose an efficient algorithm for solving this pr...
Marcin Sydow, Mariusz Pikula, Ralf Schenkel, Adam ...
163views more  IJNSEC 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Evaluating the Effects of Symmetric Cryptography Algorithms on Power Consumption for Different Data Types
As the importance and the value of exchanged data over the Internet or other media types are increasing, the search for the best solution to offer the necessary protection against...
Diaa Salama Abdul Minaam, Hatem M. Abdual-Kader, M...
153views more  IJACTAICIT 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Network Based Fuzzy Inference system by the Modified Bees Algorithm
In this paper, a recurrent neural network based fuzzy inference system (RNFIS) for prediction is proposed. A recurrent network is embedded in the RNFIS by adding feedback connecti...
Zahra Khanmirzaei, Mohammad Teshnehlab
13 years 9 months ago
Modified hierarchical clustering for sparse component analysis
The under-determined blind source separation (BSS) problem is usually solved using the sparse component analysis (SCA) technique. In SCA, the BSS is usually solved in two steps, w...
Nasser Mourad, James P. Reilly
13 years 9 months ago
Using reed-muller sequences as deterministic compressed sensing matrices for image reconstruction
An image reconstruction algorithm using compressed sensing (CS) with deterministic matrices of second-order ReedMuller (RM) sequences is introduced. The 1D algorithm of Howard et ...
Kangyu Ni, Somantika Datta, Prasun Mahanti, Svetla...
13 years 9 months ago
Temporally constrained SCA with applications to EEG data
In this paper we propose an iterative algorithm for solving the problem of extracting a sparse source signal when a reference signal for the desired source signal is available. In...
Nasser Mourad, James P. Reilly, Gary Hasey, Duncan...