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13 years 11 months ago
Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Bends Traveling Salesman Problem
Problem (Extended Abstract) Cliff Stein David P. Wagner Dartmouth College Computer Science Technical Report TR2000-367 May 9, 2000 The problem of traversing a set of points in the...
Clifford Stein, David P. Wagner
13 years 11 months ago
Distributed Monitoring of Hybrid Systems: A model-directed approach
This paper presents an efficient online mode estimation algorithm for a class of sensor-rich, distributed embedded systems, the so-called hybrid systems. A central problem in dist...
Feng Zhao, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos, Horst W. Haussec...
13 years 11 months ago
Reinforcement Learning in Distributed Domains: Beyond Team Games
Using a distributed algorithm rather than a centralized one can be extremely beneficial in large search problems. In addition, the incorporation of machine learning techniques lik...
David Wolpert, Joseph Sill, Kagan Tumer
13 years 11 months ago
Predicting When Not to Predict
File prefetching based on previous file access patterns has been shown to be an effective means of reducing file system latency by implicitly loading caches with files that are li...
Karl Brandt, Darrell D. E. Long, Ahmed Amer
13 years 11 months ago
Learning Prototype Ontologies by Hierachical Latent Semantic Analysis
An ontology is a speci...cation of a conceptualization, a shared understanding of some domain of interest. The paper develops an algorithm that hierarchically groups words together...
Gerhard Paaß, Jörg Kindermann, Edda Leo...
13 years 11 months ago
The Exponentiated Subgradient Algorithm for Heuristic Boolean Programming
Boolean linear programs (BLPs) are ubiquitous in AI. Satisfiability testing, planning with resource constraints, and winner determination in combinatorial auctions are all example...
Dale Schuurmans, Finnegan Southey, Robert C. Holte
13 years 11 months ago
A Bayesian Track-before-Detect Algorithm for IR Point Target Detection
An algorithm has been developed for the detection of point targets in uncluttered background based on a Bayesian track before detect method. The algorithm has an application in th...
Robert C. Warren
13 years 11 months ago
Implementing Matching in ALE--First Results
Matching problems in Description Logics are theoretically well understood, with a variety of algorithms available for different DLs. Nevertheless, still no implementation of a ge...
Sebastian Brandt
13 years 11 months ago
Globally Optimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows
Abstract. In this paper we solve the problem of computing exact continuous optimal curves and surfaces for image segmentation and 3D reconstruction, using a maximal flow approach ...
Ben Appleton, Hugues Talbot
13 years 11 months ago
Time Series Analysis Using Unsupervised Construction of Hierarchical Classifiers
Recently we have proposed an algorithm of constructing hierarchical neural network classifiers (HNNC), that is based on a modification of error back-propagation. This algorithm co...
S. A. Dolenko, Yu. V. Orlov, I. G. Persiantsev, Ju...