
108views more  SIAMCOMP 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
A Primal-Dual Bicriteria Distributed Algorithm for Capacitated Vertex Cover
In this paper we consider the capacitated vertex cover problem which is the variant of vertex cover where each node is allowed to cover a limited number of edges. We present an ef...
Fabrizio Grandoni, Jochen Könemann, Alessandr...
78views more  SIAMCOMP 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
I/O-Efficient Planar Separators
We present a new algorithm to compute a subset S of vertices of a planar graph G whose removal partitions G into O(N/h) subgraphs of size O(h) and with boundary size O( h) each. ...
Anil Maheshwari, Norbert Zeh
116views more  PR 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Shared farthest neighbor approach to clustering of high dimensionality, low cardinality data
Clustering algorithms are routinely used in biomedical disciplines, and are a basic tool in bioinformatics. Depending on the task at hand, there are two most popular options, the ...
Stefano Rovetta, Francesco Masulli
114views more  PR 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Orientation feature for fingerprint matching
This paper describes a fingerprint verification algorithm based on the orientation field. The orientation field of a fingerprint image has also been used for image alignment. Area...
Jayant V. Kulkarni, Bhushan D. Patil, Raghunath S....
91views more  SCP 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Stable, flexible, peephole pretty-printing
Programmers working on large software systems are faced with an extremely complex, information-rich environment. To help navigate through this, modern development environments all...
Stoney Jackson, Premkumar T. Devanbu, Kwan-Liu Ma
145views more  PAMI 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Convergent Tree-Reweighted Message Passing for Energy Minimization
Algorithms for discrete energy minimization are of fundamental importance in computer vision. In this paper we focus on the recent technique proposed by Wainwright et al. [33] - t...
Vladimir Kolmogorov
202views more  PAMI 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Pose and Motion Recovery from Feature Correspondences and a Digital Terrain Map
A novel algorithm for pose and motion estimation using corresponding features and a Digital Terrain Map is proposed. Using a Digital Terrain (or Digital Elevation) Map (DTM/DEM) as...
Ronen Lerner, Ehud Rivlin, Héctor Rotstein
127views more  PAMI 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Incremental Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Manifold Learning
Understanding the structure of multidimensional patterns, especially in unsupervised case, is of fundamental importance in data mining, pattern recognition and machine learning. Se...
Martin H. C. Law, Anil K. Jain
134views more  PAMI 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
A Genetic Algorithm Using Hyper-Quadtrees for Low-Dimensional K-means Clustering
The k-means algorithm is widely used for clustering because of its computational efficiency. Given n points in d-dimensional space and the number of desired clusters k, k-means see...
Michael Laszlo, Sumitra Mukherjee
180views more  PAMI 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Globally Minimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows
In this paper we consider the problem of computing globally minimal continuous curves and surfaces for image segmentation and 3D reconstruction. This is solved using a maximal flo...
Ben Appleton, Hugues Talbot