
90views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
Dynamics of the Binary Euclidean Algorithm: Functional Analysis and Operators
We provide here a complete average-case analysis of the binary continued fraction representation of a random rational whose numerator and denominator are odd and less than N. We an...
Brigitte Vallée
81views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
The List Update Problem: Improved Bounds for the Counter Scheme
We consider the problem of dynamic reorganization of a linear list, where requests for the elements are generated randomly with fixed, unknown probabilities. The objective is to ...
Hadas Shachnai, Micha Hofri
73views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
Linear Probing and Graphs
Mallows and Riordan showed in 1968 that labeled trees with a small number of inversions are related to labeled graphs that are connected and sparse. Wright enumerated sparse connec...
Donald E. Knuth
94views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
A Fully Dynamic Approximation Scheme for Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs
In this paper we give a fully dynamic approximation scheme for maintaining all-pairs shortest paths in planar networks. Given an error parameter ε such that 0 < ε, our algorit...
Philip N. Klein, Sairam Subramanian
79views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
Finding Largest Subtrees and Smallest Supertrees
Arvind Gupta, Naomi Nishimura
184views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
Approximation Algorithms for Connected Dominating Sets
The dominatingset problemin graphs asks for a minimumsize subset of vertices with the followingproperty: each vertex is required to either be in the dominating set, or adjacent to...
Sudipto Guha, Samir Khuller
118views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
On the Analysis of Linear Probing Hashing
Abstract. This paper presents moment analyses and characterizations of limit distributions for the construction cost of hash tables under the linear probing strategy. Two models ar...
Philippe Flajolet, Patricio V. Poblete, Alfredo Vi...
111views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
A Note on Point Location in Delaunay Triangulations of Random Points
This short note considers the problem of point location in a Delaunay triangulation of n random points, using no additional preprocessing or storage other than a standard data stru...
Luc Devroye, Ernst P. Mücke, Binhai Zhu
103views more  ALGORITHMICA 1998»
14 years 4 days ago
On Bayes Methods for On-Line Boolean Prediction
We examine a general Bayesian framework for constructing on-line prediction algorithms in the experts setting. These algorithms predict the bits of an unknown Boolean sequence usin...
Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, David P. Helmbold, San...