It is known to be NP-hard to decide whether a graph can be made chordal by the deletion of k vertices or by the deletion of k edges. Here we present a uniformly polynomial-time alg...
Let A be a set of size m. Obtaining the first k m elements of A in ascending order can be done in optimal O(m + k log k) time. We present Incremental Quicksort (IQS), an algorith...
We consider the online version of the maximum vertex disjoint path problem when the underlying network is a tree. In this problem, a sequence of requests arrives in an online fash...
We consider a novel class of art gallery problems inspired by wireless localization. Given a simple polygon P, place and orient guards each of which broadcasts a unique key within ...
Tobias Christ, Michael Hoffmann, Yoshio Okamoto, T...
We consider a data-structural problem motivated by version control of a hierarchical directory structure in a system like Subversion. The model is that directories and files can b...
We divide a string into k segments, each with only one sort of symbols, so as to minimize the total number of exceptions. Motivations come from machine learning and data mining. F...
We consider the following version of the stable matching problem. Suppose that men have preferences for women, women have preferences for dogs, and dogs have preferences for men. T...
The Burrows-Wheeler transformation is used for effective data compression, e.g., in the well known program bzip2. Compression and decompression are done in a block-wise fashion; la...