
14 years 1 months ago
Monolingual Machine Translation for Paraphrase Generation
We apply statistical machine translation (SMT) tools to generate novel paraphrases of input sentences in the same language. The system is trained on large volumes of sentence pair...
Chris Quirk, Chris Brockett, William B. Dolan
14 years 1 months ago
Statistical Machine Translation with Word- and Sentence-Aligned Parallel Corpora
The parameters of statistical translation models are typically estimated from sentence-aligned parallel corpora. We show that significant improvements in the alignment and transla...
Chris Callison-Burch, David Talbot, Miles Osborne
14 years 1 months ago
Combination of Statistical Word Alignments Based on Multiple Preprocessing Schemes
We present an approach to using multiple preprocessing schemes to improve statistical word alignments. We show a relative reduction of alignment error rate of about 38%.
Jakob Elming, Nizar Habash