Using the ideas from current investigations in Knowledge Representation we study the use of a class of logic programs for reasoning about infinite sets. Those programs assert code...
Douglas A. Cenzer, V. Wiktor Marek, Jeffrey B. Rem...
In this paper we propose a new agent communication language which separates agent dialogue from any specific agent reasoning technology. This language is intended to address a nu...
The paper integrates automatically generated case-splitting expressions, and an efficient translation to CNF, in order to formally verify an out-of-order superscalar processor havi...
Recent dynamic local search (DLS) algorithms such as SAPS are amongst the state-of-the-art methods for solving the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT). DLS algorithms modi...
We study three new techniques which will speed up the branch-and-bound algorithm for the MAX-2-SAT problem: The first technique is a new lower bound function for the algorithm an...