This paper revolves around the so-called plan revision rules of the agent programming language 3APL. These rules can be viewed as a generalization of procedures. This generalizatio...
Abstract. Accumulation techniques were invented to transform functional programs, which intensively use append functions (like inefficient list reversal), into more efficient progr...
This paper proposes a modal extension of Separation Logic [8, 11] for reasoning about data-parallel programs that manipulate heap allocated linked data structures. Separation Logi...
Programs written in point-free form express computation purely in terms of functions. Such programs are especially amenable to local transformation. In this paper, we describe a pr...
Abstract. Motivated by the proliferation and usefulness of Domain Specific Languages as well as the demand in enriching well established languages by high level capabilities like p...
Emilie Balland, Claude Kirchner, Pierre-Etienne Mo...
The problem of finding an approximation to a labeled Markov transition system through hyperfinite transition systems is addressed. It is shown that we can find for each countable ...
Algebraization of computational logics in the theory of fork algebras has been a research topic for a while. This research allowed us to interpret classical first-order logic, seve...
We propose a methodology based on testing as a framework to capture the interactions of a machine represented in a denotational model and the data it manipulates. Using a duality t...