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The Ambient Calculus offers many ways in which processes can interact and be observed. In the context of Levi and Sangiorgi's Safe Mobile Ambients (SA), the extra co-capabili...
The Ambient Calculus has been recently proposed as a model of mobility of agents in a dynamically changing hierarchy of domains. In this paper, we describe the implementation of t...
The Ambient Calculus (henceforth, AC) was developed by Cardelli and Gordon as a formal framework to study issues of mobility and migrant code [9]. We present a type system for AC ...
Torben Amtoft, A. J. Kfoury, Santiago M. Peric&aac...
The Ambient Calculus was developed by Cardelli and Gordon as a formal framework to study issues of mobility and migrant code. Numerous analyses have been developed for numerous va...
We present a new labelled transition system (lts) for the ambient calculus on which ordinary bisimilarity coincides with contextual equivalence. The key feature of this lts is that...
Abstract. We add name groups and group creation to the typed ambient calculus. Group creation is surprisingly interesting: it has the e ect of statically preventing certain communi...
The mobile agent approach has become popular due to recent developments in the mobile code paradigm and enabling programming technologies. Many existing agentbased systems lack cl...
Abstract. The ambient calculus is a calculus of computation that allows active processes (mobile ambients) to move between sites. A firewall is said to be protective whenever it d...
An ambient is a named cluster of processes and subambients, which moves as a group. We describe type systems able to guarantee that certain ambients will remain immobile, and that ...
We extend the modal logic of ambients described in [7] to the full ambient calculus, including name restriction. We introduce logical operators that can be used to make assertions ...