
124views more  AMC 2007»
14 years 17 days ago
Applying evolutionary computation methods for the cryptanalysis of Feistel ciphers
In this contribution instances of a problem introduced by the differential cryptanalysis of Feistel cryptosystems are formulated as optimization tasks. The performance of Evoluti...
E. C. Laskari, Gerasimos C. Meletiou, Yannis C. St...
129views more  AMC 2007»
14 years 17 days ago
Multi-objective task allocation in distributed computing systems by hybrid particle swarm optimization
In a distributed computing system (DCS), we need to allocate a number of modules to different processors for execution. It is desired to maximize the processor synergism in order...
Peng-Yeng Yin, Shiuh-Sheng Yu, Pei-Pei Wang, Yi-Te...