
106views more  AML 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Definability of second order generalized quantifiers
We study definability of second-order generalized quantifiers. We show that the question whether a second-order generalized quantifier Q1 is definable in terms of another quantifie...
Juha Kontinen
74views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
A note on the theory of positive induction, ID*1
The article shows a simple way of calibrating the strength of the theory of positive induction, ID
Bahareh Afshari, Michael Rathjen
84views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
A criterion for coarse iterability
Let M be a premouse with a top extender, F. Suppose that (a) M is linearly coarsely iterable via hitting F and its images, and (b) if M is a linear iterate of M as in (a), then M ...
Gunter Fuchs, Itay Neeman, Ralf Schindler
130views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
Additivity of the two-dimensional Miller ideal
Let J (M2 ) denote the -ideal associated with two-dimensional Miller forcing. We show that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that the additivity of J (M2 ) is bigger than the c...
Otmar Spinas, Sonja Thiele
102views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
Kripke models for subtheories of CZF
In this paper a method to construct Kripke models for subtheories of constructive set theory is introduced that uses constructions from classical model theory such as constructibl...
Rosalie Iemhoff
87views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
On almost precipitous ideals
Asaf Ferber, Moti Gitik
87views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
On the form of witness terms
We investigate the development of terms during cut-elimination in first-order logic and Peano arithmetic for proofs of existential formulas. The form of witness terms in cut-free p...
Stefan Hetzl
88views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
Relativized Schnorr tests with universal behavior
A Schnorr test relative to some oracle A may informally be called "universal" if it covers all Schnorr tests. Since no true universal Schnorr test exists, such an A cann...
Nicholas Rupprecht
98views more  AML 2010»
14 years 18 days ago
Small universal families for graphs omitting cliques without GCH
When no single universal model for a set of structures exists at a given cardinal, then one may ask in which models of set theory does there exist a small family which embeds the r...
Katherine Thompson